Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS)
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The Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) is a collaborative approach aimed at ensuring that core information on essential health resources and services is systematically shared and readily available to decision makers at country, regional and global levels.

HeRAMS interactive dashboard is providing an instant and in-depth analysis based on the available data.

Data on the dashboard can be filtered. This allows you to scrutinize the data subsets that are of interest to you.

White / Underserved Areas

Underserved Areas is a geo-spatial analysis integrating multiple layers of data from different sources in order to determine areas that are currently not served with any primary health care services. Based on very sophisticated layers of data collated across intersecting datasets. This analysis is the broadest gap analysis in terms of health services available to the most vulnerable populations in Afghanistan.

The Analysis has combined; population concentrations, health facility presence (Basic Primary health Care Services),  topography and social profiling, factoring all the dimensions to determine where additional services are most needed.

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Trauma Care Dashboard
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Trauma Care is a priority program with very visible implementation, 106 Health Facilities reporting, including, Specialist Hospitals, Regional, provincial hospitals, district Hospitals, teaching hospitals, Basic health centers, and sub-health center. Trauma Access is considered a key intervention and one of the key indicators for service delivery, accurately collecting this data and disseminating it functionally is highly strategic. 

Medical Supply Dashboard

WHO has been working with partners to respond to emergency in Afghanistan to avoid morbidities and mortalities during the current humanitarian crisis.  As part of WHO leadership role to health cluster and being provider of last resort, WHO has been providing high-quality medical kits, supplies, and equipment through partners to prevent delays in service delivery to the needy people in the country. 

To access the important insights of our medical supply distribution, you can use our Medical Supply Dashboard. This dashboard provide strategic and details distribution insights in the form of numbers, charts, graphs and maps. 

Additionally, data on the dashboard can be filtered which allows you to scrutinize the data subsets that are of interest to you.

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Our infographics can help you understand complex concepts by using visual aids such as charts, graphs, or diagrams. We have used both images and text in a visual format to explain concepts. With infographics, you are able to quickly scan the document, understand the insights, and remember it long after you leave the page.