WHO continues to mobilize resources and scale up capacities to respond to outbreaks, health emergencies and natural disasters affecting Afghanistan in July 2022.

In addition to the 5.9 magnitude earthquake on 22 June 2022 that affected more than 361,000 people, including 1036 casualties, there was a 5.1 aftershock that hit the south-eastern provinces of Khost and Paktika on 18 July. WHO and humanitarian partners continue to provide life-saving support, including primary health care services and trauma care, mental health and psychosocial support services, medical supply kit distribution (71 MT of supplies, including over 60 different modules of IEHK, TESK, NCDK, and cholera) and deployment of 10 female health care workers. WHO is also enhancing mass casualty management with a Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course for 48 healthcare professionals conducted in Gardez in July. WHO, with support from partners, distributed long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to earthquake-affected communities and deployed 10 teams of social mobilizers to enhance risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) focusing on prevention of acute watery diarrhea and other infectious diseases.

Situation report, issue 19, July 2022

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